Benefits of Dry Brushing + How to do it

Just when you know all there is to it when it comes brushing (hair and teeth) in comes a new beauty trend that is making waves and for good reason.

Dry brushing is a way of brushing your skin with a dry brush to improve blood circulation, stimulating nerve endings and removing dead skin cells. It is one trend that is here to stay, making its way into spas, wellness centers and even your home!

Here are just some of the benefits of dry brushing

Lymphatic Support

The lymphatic system is a crucial part of the body as it supports the immune system. It comprises of lymph nodes, vessels, ducts and other organs.

Many of the vessels, nerve ending and lymph nodes are right under the skin therefore dry brushing stimulates them to promote optimum and normal lymph flow. This also helps in the detoxification process as dry brushing people swear by it.


Exfoliation is an important step in any skincare routine as it helps in clearing out all the dead skin cells and makes way for a newer layer of skin on the surface. Your skin becomes softer, smoother and more supple after exfoliation and dry brushing does exactly that. Just make sure not to brush aggressively so that your skin is not irritated.

Unclogs pores

Dry brushing cleans up the pores by unclogging them. The oil, dirt and other residue from the environment are cleared away leaving the skin feeling fresh and clean.


Although there isn’t any scientific backing to this, many people have claimed that their cellulite levels on the skin have decreased by regularly dry brushing. So what’s the harm in trying and there aren’t any side effects to it. It even has the ability to fight other common skin problems.

Increases energy

Okay this one seems like a stretch but it’s actually true! This is because when you dry brush, your blood circulation improves and it gives you an instant energy boost. So the best time to try it out is in the morning before you take a shower and head to work or the gym.

How to do dry brushing

Select a brush

Use any firm and natural bristle brush, preferably with a handle such as this one so that you can easily reach different areas of your body where your hand can’t directly.

If you are looking for a dry brush for the face then make sure the bristles are soft so that your skin isn’t irritated or breaks out.


You can do this daily preferably before taking a shower.

  • Just start with soft and gentle upward motions and have a light pressure. Avoid any open or cracked skin. You can increase the pressure of the brush overtime, so long as you are still comfortable.
  • Start brushing from the bottom (feet) and work your way to the top (to the chest and neck). The strokes should be long, smooth and repeated up to 10 times. Use a separate brush for the face.
  • Brush in circular motion on the armpits and stomach.
  • Clean your brush with antibacterial soap and water every week.

You will start seeing results in as little as one week once you make dry brushing a part of your daily skincare and health regimen.

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